We are led by consumers like you
Grand Valley Power's nine board members, elected at-large, serve three-year, staggered terms. Grand Valley Power's members elect three board members by mail-in ballots or in-person at the Annual Meeting held each summer. If three or fewer members seek election, then Grand Valley Power will forgo the mail ballots and the election of the Directors will take place during the annual meeting.
Each Grand Valley Power member has the right to vote for up to three directors to be elected. Members have only one ballot per election, regardless of the number of accounts with Grand Valley Power. The account holder or spouse, but not both, is eligible to vote. All election and voting issues are overseen by an independent election supervisory committee.
Unlike governmental elections, not all registered voters in the household can vote in the Grand Valley Power elections. Members who are unclear of their membership or account status are urged to call Grand Valley Power's Member Services department at 970-242-0040 for verification.
Running for the Board of Directors
To be eligible to become or remain a director, a person must be a Grand Valley Power member and receive electric service from Grand Valley Power at the member's primary residence. A director cannot be engaged in a competing enterprise or in other businesses involving a conflict of interest. Grand Valley Power's Bylaws provide in-depth information on director qualifications, terms, elections, meetings and officers.
To be a qualified nominee for the Board, all candidates, including non-incumbents, must agree to abide by the cooperative's Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Policies, including Policy Bulletin No. 50 - Voting and Elections.
Policy Bulletin No. 50 - Voting and Elections
Attachment A to Policy Bulletin No. 50 - Cooperative Election Disclosure Requirements
Ballot Mailing Deadline
If a contested election is held, mail ballots will be delivered in July. Members should deposit ballots with the USPS so they are received prior to the close of business on the day of the Annual Meeting. Ballots may also be deposited in the secure ballot box located at GVP's Headquarters (845 22 Road) by 4:00 p.m. on the day of the Annual Meeting, or at the Annual Meeting. Ballots received after the deadline will not be counted.
Nominating Petitions for Director
Nominating petitions for Director on the Grand Valley Power Board of Directors will be available to be picked up beginning on Monday, April 28, 2025. To pick up a petition packet, please contact our office at 970-242-0040 or stop by the headquarters at 845 22 Road in Grand Junction, CO.
The nominating petition must be signed by 15 members of the cooperative. Nominating petitions must be returned to Grand Valley Power headquarters no later than 5:00 p.m. on Friday, June 6, 2025. The election supervisory committee will: verify the eligibility of the petitioners, verify that the candidates have received at least 15 valid signatures, and shall ensure that the ballot positions of qualified Director candidates are set in a random order.
The 2025 Grand Valley Power Annual Meeting will be held on Thursday, August 7, 2025 beginning at 5:30 p.m. in the Meyer Ballroom on the CMU campus. The Annual Report and additional information will be mailed to all members in July.
Members elected three directors to the Board in 2024
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Election FAQ
Each Member of the cooperative shall be entitled to vote in the election of directors for the Board of Directors either at a meeting held for such purpose or by mail, but not both.
In the case of a Joint Membership, any one Joint Member may cast the vote for the Joint Membership. For the ballot of a Joint Membership, the ballot envelope will include the name of each Joint Member. Any one of the Joint Members may cast the ballot, and that Joint Member shall sign the return envelope.
Mail voting shall be in writing on ballots provided by the Cooperative. The mail ballot shall be voted by the member, and deposited in a return envelope which must be signed by the voting member, and mailed back to the Cooperative.
Envelopes containing mail ballots shall remain sealed and uncounted until the tabulation process is conducted by the independent third party and supervised by the Election Supervisory Committee.
Members can also submit their vote by placing their ballot in the ballot box located in the lobby of GVP's office located at 845 22 Road, Grand Junction, Colorado 81505, prior to the annual meeting. Members may also bring their ballot to the annual meeting and deposit the ballot in the ballot box at the annual meeting.
For more detailed information on the ballot and how to vote visit gvp.org/CastYourVote.
Mail ballots should be deposited with the USPS so they are received prior to the close of business on the day of the Annual Meeting. Members can also drop off completed ballots to GVP's Headquarters at 845 22 Road, GJ, CO 81505 by 4 p.m. on the day of the Annual Meeting.
Ballots may also be deposited prior to 6:30 p.m. on the day of the Annual Meeting, in the ballot box at the annual meeting.
Ballots received after the deadline will not be counted.
Election results typically are announced the day after the Annual Meeting. The results will be posted on gvp.org and GVP social media platforms.
Each year, an election is held. If the number of people nominated for directors is less than or equal to the number of vacancies, the Board of Directors may determine to eliminate the mail ballot for that election and have the directors elected by the members present at the meeting of the members.
A quorum is to be met for electing directors and voting on other corporate business. This shall consist of the owners of one hundred (100) shares of the Cooperative present in person. If the owners of one hundred (100) shares are not present in person but mail voting for directors pursuant to Article V, Section 2 has occurred prior to such meeting, the election of directors shall occur so long as the number of valid mail votes plus shares voted in person totals at least one hundred (100) shares. If less than a quorum is present in person, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting to another date and time or direct the Board of Directors to select another date and time.
You can find the biography of each candidate on this election page once the Election Supervisory Committee verifies the signatures on the petitions. We will update accordingly and will notify our members when the information is available.