A local cooperative doesn’t just serve a community. It’s part of the community. Cooperatives like Grand Valley Power are different than most other utilities in this respect because the members of the organization can engage in a voting process and elect directors to serve on the governing board of the cooperative. It’s an important task led by you. The leaders selected will help drive the cooperative decisions. These directors live and work in GVP’s service territory and understand the communities we serve.
Each year three director positions are up for election. Each director elected serves a three-year term. All directors are elected at-large, which means that the three directors who receive the most votes will fill the three available director positions. The biographies of each candidate are available online at gvp.org/director-elections and are included in the official election materials mailed to all co-op members.
Voting FAQ
Step 1: To submit your vote, please detach the election ballot from the voter information pamphlet by folding the perforated edges.
Step 2: Make your selection by placing a mark in the box to the left of the candidates of your choice. Do not vote for more than three (3) candidates.
Step 3: Place your completed ballot in the postage-paid return envelope and seal it.
Step 4: Before mailing your ballot, make sure to sign the back of the return envelope or, by law, the ballot will not be counted.
Mail ballots should be deposited with the USPS so they are received prior to the close of business on Thursday, August 3, 2023. Members can also drop off completed ballots to GVP's Headquarters at 845 22 Road, GJ, CO 81505 by 4 p.m. on Thursday, August 3, 2023.
Ballots may also be deposited prior to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 3, 2023, in the ballot box at the annual meeting in the Meyer Ballroom on the CMU campus.
Ballots received after the deadline will not be counted.
Each member of the Cooperative shall be entitled to vote in the election of directors for the Board of Directors either at a meeting held for such purpose or by mail, but not both.
Members with additional contacts or joint memberships: Either individual listed on the account may vote on behalf of your joint membership. Please know that if either joint account holder signs and returns a completed ballot envelope, the vote will be counted. GVP will ensure that its Election Supervisory Committee knows your account status and that either of the account contacts are eligible to sign the ballot envelope.
The results of the election will be announced on Friday, August 4, 2023. The results will be posted on gvp.org and GVP social media platforms.
Each year, an election is held. If the number of people nominated for directors is less than or equal to the number of vacancies, the Board of Directors may determine to eliminate the mail ballot for that election and have the directors elected by the members present at the meeting of the members.
A quorum is to be met for electing directors and voting on other corporate business. This shall consist of the owners of one hundred (100) shares of the Cooperative present in person. If the owners of one hundred (100) shares are not present in person but mail voting for directors pursuant to Article V, Section 2 has occurred prior to such meeting, the election of directors shall occur so long as the number of valid mail votes plus shares voted in person totals at least one hundred (100) shares. If less than a quorum is present in person, a majority of those present may adjourn the meeting to another date and time or direct the Board of Directors to select another date and time.
To be eligible to become or remain a director, a person must be a Grand Valley Power member and receive electric service from Grand Valley Power at the member's primary residence. A director cannot be engaged in a competing enterprise or in other businesses involving a conflict of interest. Grand Valley Power's bylaws provide in-depth information on director qualifications, terms, elections, meetings and officers.